
Establishment of the “Association of Friends of the Thermon Archaeological Museum and Site”

Τhe Court of First Instance of Agrinion (CFI), approved the establishment of the charitable, non-profit organization, under the following name: “Association of Friends of the Thermon Archaeological Museum and Site.”

No. of Approval: 10/2015

The primary concern of the afore-mentioned Association is to stand alongside the new Museum, as well as the archaeological site of the Aetolian League, offering assistance.

The Seat of the Association is Thermon in the prefecture of Aetolia-Acarnania, Greece.
The purposes of the Association:

• the moral and material support of the Thermon Archaeological Museum and Site.
• the promotion of the cultural heritage and the long history of Thermon, as well as the wider region, made manifest in/through the timeless presence of human activity since prehistory.

• the systematic and consistent cultivation of the spirit of antiquarianism and the interest in antiquities and their protection.

• the cultivation and development of the spirit of volunteerism through activities befitting the Association’s decorum and ethos.

Regarding the attainment of the afore-mentioned aims, the Association, inter alia, aims at:

• the revival of the ancient Aetolian institution of “Thermia,” with a sequence of organized conferences, symposia, exhibitions, as well as artistic and athletic events.

• the prospect of founding a library of Aetolian Studies and a Research Center of Ancient Thermon.

We are convinced that our fellow citizens, in tandem with the ubiquitous devotees of ancient Greek civilization and its cultural heritage, will embrace and support both the New Museum, and the important archaeological site of Thermon, which was the Centre of the Aetolian League.

Following this moment of incipience, we are now proceeding with optimism with a view to supporting our rich cultural heritage and our region!